Q: What does your role entail?

A: As a Relocation Coordinator, I assist individuals, families, and businesses with the entire relocation process. Whether in charge of a residential or corporate move, whether in the city or across the country, being the customer’s point of contact and having all the answers has been the key role in all communication.

Q: What is the favourite part about working for Adleo?

A: The people. It’s all about maintaining good relationships with clients, RMCs, estate agents, and colleagues, whether it’s over the phone or through written communication.

Pippa Dowie

Q: What’s the biggest work challenge you’ve had to deal with?

A: Midway in my role at Adleo, we received a complaint from a client who was unhappy with the services we provided. I offered to speak with them and listened to their concerns to help resolve the situation. When they decided on the best solution for their needs, they thanked me for my time and continued with the service. While I was assisting in the resolution of this situation, I also made certain that we maintained them as a customer by going the extra mile.

Q: What is the best career lesson you’ve learned so far?

A: Trust your power in failure. Everyone makes mistakes; you won’t get it perfect every time, so don’t worry about it. Every failure provides an opportunity for personal and professional development. There’s no better way to figure out what works than to figure out what doesn’t. Consider it plan A, B, C, and so on. In a failure situation, you can either view it as a challenge or use it as a learning experience to better navigate your next endeavour.

Q: What would you do for a career if you weren’t doing this?

A: I like the idea of being a freelancer, a digital/content creator or what people refer to as an “influencer,” whether it be to promote other companies incorporating daily life, parenting (soon to be a mother myself), adulting, travel, etc. This would give me the confidence to come out of my shell and learn new challenges that I have yet to discover.

Q: What did you want to do for a job when you were a child?

A: I’ve always wanted to be a vet and help animals, like Dr. Dolittle.

Q: What do you like to do when you aren’t working?

A: Socialise with friends and family. Read a good book when taking time to myself, learn a new recipe. I love a good walk in the countryside where I live and getting out and about.

Q: Tell us something about you we don’t know?

A: I’m a bit of a globetrotter, having spent most of my childhood living in Asia and travelling the
world, experiencing a variety of cultures that I simply love.

Q: What’s your favourite line from a film?

A: Mama always said that life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna to get. Forrest Gump.

Q: If you could meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

A: David Attenborough. There’s always a story that he will tell that draws you in to know more.

Q: Three words your family and friends would use to describe you?

A: Friendly. Creative. Reliable.

Q: Name one thing that annoys you?

A: Being late! Absolute pet peeve!

Q: If you could have any superpower what would it be?

A: The obvious would be to be able to fly or move at superhuman speeds, but I’d love to have X-ray vision because it would allow me to have a high attention to detail and analyse any situation.

Q: What is one food that you cannot resist?

A: I can’t say no to a good pud, whether it’s bread and butter pudding, apple and blackberry crumble, or sticky toffee pudding… enough said about that!

Q: Finally, can you give us a good piece of advice?

A: Carpe diem, seize the day. My father always used to say before I went out every day; no matter if it was going to be a good or bad day, just take it in your stride and go for it.

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