Q: What does your role entail?

A: As a Relocation Coordinator, my role involves me working with the rest of the team to provide a seamless relocation process for our clients, with A* care, organisation and communication. Currently, I am undergoing training, learning about Adleo and dipping my toe in the water by carrying out home searches!

Q: What is the favourite part about working for Adleo?

A: I enjoy the quick turnaround and fast-paced nature of the business, but my favourite part has been meeting my team. I really look forward to seeing them in our daily morning team meetings.

Q: What’s the biggest work challenge you’ve had to deal with?

A: I’ve only been onboard with Adleo for 2 weeks. Maybe come back to me with that question in 2 months!

Q: What is the best career lesson you’ve learned so far?

A: You can’t be good at everything, so be honest with yourself and your team; acknowledge your weaknesses, recognise your strengths and play them to your advantage. On a side note, I’ve also come to realise the importance of job satisfaction. We spend so much of our life working that it’s important to have enjoyment in your role and with your team, to value them and to feel valued yourself.

Q: What would you do for a career if you weren’t doing this?

A: My roots are in dental nursing, and I worked up through the ranks from trainee to Practice Manager. During my time as Head Nurse, I very much enjoyed supporting trainees through their two-year qualification process, so perhaps I would have moved into a Nursing Qualification Assessor role which would have allowed me to work with multiple individuals, guiding them through, and assisting them with gaining their nursing registration.

Q: What did you want to do for a job when you were a child?

A: I wanted to be a midwife like my mum and grandmother.

Q: What do you like to do when you aren’t working?

A: I like to socialise with friends and family, especially if it involves Prosecco, sunshine and dancing! I also love countryside walks with my dog and reading a good book in a hot, bubble bath.

Q: Tell us something about you we don’t know?

A: I’m really into WWII books, documentaries and movies. Next year, I’m going to visit Auschwitz with a couple of my friends.

Q: What’s your favourite line from a film?

A: I’m not sure it’s my favourite line, but it’s certainly the one I use the most in everyday life and always in Shrek’s Scottish accent! “That’ll do donkey, that’ll do.”

Q: If you could meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

A: I would have loved to have met Steve Irwin. He was so passionate and dynamic and seemed like a lot of fun to be around. His energy was contagious and his love for animals and conservation was unrivalled. I bet a day at work with him would have been a rollercoaster!

Q: Three words your family and friends would use to describe you?

A: Loud. Loving. Fun.

Q: Name one thing that annoys you?

A: Bad table manners.

Q: If you could have any superpower what would it be?

A: I would be able to teleport. Though I imagine this would consist of me spending a lot of my time in sunny climes!

Q: What is one food that you cannot resist?

A: Cheese. Cheese is life.

Q: Finally, can you give us a good piece of advice?

A: Be true to yourself. It is the key to inner happiness.

Thank you for considering Adleo for your relocation needs.

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