Is the rise of the robot relocation’s biggest threat?


Much talk has been focused on the effects of BREXIT on the UK’s employment market but is the bigger threat actually from robots? As farfetched as it seems, the 21st century scourge may come from a totally man made invention.

Is London losing its sparkle?

Westminster, London

Although Samuel Johnson famously said: “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life,” recent figures suggest that the capital city is losing its shine among some of our most talented groups.

South of the river is the choice in London

View of London with Greenwich Royal Naval Greenwich College in foreground

Just how many people move to London from around the UK? If it’s a question you’ve often pondered, wonder no more as the answer is here. The Office for National Statistics has published new research that sheds light on internal migration to the capital, with almost 200,000 people moving to London from within the UK on an annual basis.

Can we afford to lose EU directors from UK companies?

EU logo

With the dust now settled after the General Election result, thoughts are turning back to BREXIT. We know the relocation industry is watching the movements of business giants carefully, to see if they’ll retain their operations in the UK or bail out in search of a more favourable location.

The lettings landscape post election

Polling station

As if the country wasn’t under a grey cloud of uncertainty with Article 50 triggered and BREXIT looming on the horizon, a new storm has fully brewed in the shape of a hung parliament. The snap general election did not deliver the expected result; therefore the future of our property and business markets is unclear.

Millionaire and billionaire boom for the UK

Ferrari in London street

A new piece of research by Wealth Insight revealed that London is home to more millionaire Chief Executives than any other city in the world. Almost 3% of CEOs with wealth surpassing £1 million call the capital their home, beating New York, San Francisco, Washington and Singapore to the accolade.

Spotlight on: the Midlands Engine

Man using technology

While the March Budget skirted around the elephant in the room (that’s BREXIT to you and me), Chancellor Philip Hammond did use his first address reiterated the ‘Midlands Engine’ – £329 million of Government investment in skills, connectivity and local growth in Middle England.

Relocating to Bath: the lettings market

Thermal spa, Bath, UK

Bath is a beautiful spa city with World Heritage status, lying 97 miles west of London and 11 miles south east of Bristol in the country of Somerset. The city is known for its Roman baths, Georgian architecture and Gothic Bath Abbey.

London becomes the world’s most influential city

The Shard, London

If you thought London’s status as a global safe haven would diminish in the wake of BREXIT, think again. The UK’s capital remains robust and continues to attract businesses and top talent a quality that is reassuring for the relocation market.

Relocating to Cheltenham: the lettings market

Cheltenham eye at night

Cheltenham is an attractive spa town in the county of Gloucestershire. Although it has a growing urban heart, its position on the edge of the Cotswolds provides the perfect balance between metropolis and rural charm.

Short, flexible and temporary: the shape of the UK’s office scene

Coworking space

With their cauliflower ears and wonky noses, ex England rugby players Matt Dawson and Tim Rodber are unlikely leaders of the UK’s ever-changing office scene but their company Instant – a broker for temporary office space and serviced offices – has become a major player on a global scale.

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