Q: What does your role entail?

A: As a Property Researcher, my role involves finding the best possible housing options for my client’s specific requirements, sometimes in a very short time frame. Having a wide spread of good work relationships with letting agents all over the UK helps to find the best possible solutions both on the market and off.

Q: What is the favourite part about working for Adleo?

A: The people. Working with a great team makes a huge difference. I’ve worked with Adleo since 2017 and met some great people along the way. One third of your life is spent at work, so being around good, supportive, and respectable people can have a huge impact on your quality of life.

Q: What’s the biggest work challenge you’ve had to deal with?

A: People who are rude. It can be difficult to listen to someone being unnecessarily rude on the phone to you and not allowing you to speak. The solution is to never fight fire with fire and to always act professionally. The secret is to “kill them with kindness”. It always works, and you regain your respect as a result.

Q: What is the best career lesson you’ve learned so far?

A: Accepting and adapting to change. In the last two years, change has happened quickly and without warning. When you accept, embrace, and learn from change, you inevitably grow stronger.

Q: What would you do for a career if you weren’t doing this?

A: Events organising. I started a course many years ago and would be interested in picking it back up again one day.

Q: What did you want to do for a job when you were a child?

A: I always wanted to be involved in some type of events, either creating or organising.

Q: What do you like to do when you aren’t working?

A: I like socialising with friends, travelling, going to the theatre, watching live music, and food!

Q: Tell us something about you we don’t know?

A: I’m a trained eyelash technician.

Q: What’s your favourite line from a film?

A: “The greatest thing you will ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.” Moulin Rouge. Everyone needs love in some shape or form!

Q: If you could meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

A: Freddie Mercury, without a doubt! He’s one of my all-time idols. Everything about
him was amazing; his voice, his music, his love of people, always giving his
audience the most memorable moments… and his moustache! He’s an absolute
legend, I would be in total awe!

Q: Three words your family and friends would use to describe you?

A: Fun, loyal, and reliable.

Q: Name one thing that annoys you?

A: Bad manners. I don’t understand why some people feel the need to drop them at any time. Manners go a long way and make a huge difference to everyday conversations.

Q: If you could have any superpower what would it be?

A: The power to fly with invisibility. Being up in the air would be so calm and peaceful and a great place to get away to at times, and being invisible at the same time, it would be undisturbed.

Q: What is one food that you cannot resist?

A: Sushi! Crispy California rolls are my fave, with lots of soy and wasabi.

Q: Finally, can you give us a good piece of advice?

A: Don’t take life too seriously, or else you will forget to have fun. You only get one life, so enjoy it!

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