Q: What does your role entail?

A: As a Senior Relocation Coordinator, my role is mainly focused on making sure all of our assignees find suitable housing. I also liaise with our clients on a daily basis about all live files and new incoming jobs.

Q: What is your favourite part about working for Adleo?

A: My favourite part is getting to speak with people from all over the world and interact with different cultures each day.

Q: What’s the biggest work challenge you’ve had to deal with?

A: The greatest challenge I’ve faced at work was probably the learning curve when I first took up my role. There are so many steps involved in moving to a new country – more than you can imagine!

Q: What is the best career lesson you’ve learned so far?

A: Although it’s important, money isn’t everything. You’ll get more satisfaction from finding a job that you enjoy doing and working with great people.

Q: What would you do for a career if you weren’t doing this?

A: I think I would most likely be in the police force, as a few of my family members are or have been.

Q: What did you want to do for a job when you were a child?

A: I’ve always loved football and wanted to be a professional footballer, as most young boys do. Either that or a pilot.

Q: What do you like to do when you aren’t working?

A: I play a lot of golf, and when I’m not playing, I enjoy watching all types of live sports.

Q: Tell us something about you we don’t know?

A: I can count to 1,000 in French.

Q: What’s your favourite line from a film?

A: “With great power comes great responsibility.” Spider-Man.

Q: If you could meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

A: Lionel Messi, the greatest of all time. If I could speak Spanish, I’m sure we would talk about football all day long!

Q: Three words your family and friends would use to describe you?

A: Thoughtful, funny, and generous.

Q: Name one thing that annoys you?

A: People that chew with their mouth open.

Q: If you could have any superpower what would it be?

A: Super healing powers.

Q: What is one food that you cannot resist?

A: Difficult one, but I would have to go with apple crumble with vanilla ice cream.

Q: Finally, can you give us a good piece of advice?

A: Live life to the fullest!

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