Rental Market State of Play: September 2022

Wooden block toy rental house on grass

September is a month that will be remembered for currency turmoil, with a weakening euro, a catastrophic pound, and rates – both interest and mortgage – affecting finances. As a result, rents are getting cheaper for some and more expensive for others, depending on which currency you are using. Adleo takes an overview of the lettings landscape in London, Amsterdam, and Paris.

Rental Market State of Play: July 2022

Wooden block toy rental house on grass

A new survey of 20,000 city dwellers caught our eye, with the responses resulting in Time Out’s 2022 World’s Best Cities Index. Read on to discover how London, Amsterdam and Paris ranked, along with Adleo Relocation’s snapshot of each city’s rental market, with news and ‘per month’ rental values.

Rental Market State of Play: June 2022

Wooden block toy rental house on grass

We have passed the halfway point of 2022 and the cities of London, Amsterdam, and Paris are enjoying a summer in full swing. This six-month milestone is a great time to assess the rental markets in these leading relocation hotspots, so Adleo takes a look at the developing news and ‘per month’ rental values.

Rental Market State of Play: May 2022

Wooden block toy rental house on grass

May appears to be a month of reflection when it comes to European rental markets. There is very little to report in the way of price changes – modest rises here, subtle falls there – but one thing unites London, Amsterdam, and Paris, and that’s what lies ahead. Adleo Relocation rounds up the forecasts that may affect the cost of renting and the choice of properties in the future, and balances this with a “per month” value* snapshot.

Rental Market State of Play: April 2022

Wooden block toy rental house on grass

This month, the Financial Times announced a ‘global rental squeeze’ was taking place – a worldwide landscape where properties are reserved within hours of being listed and tenants are making offers well over the advertised rent in order to see off competition.

Adleo Relocation looks beyond the newspaper headlines to see whether the reported hysteria is affecting rental market values in London, Amsterdam and Paris.

Rental Market State of Play: March 2022

Wooden block toy rental house on grass

Spring has sprung across Europe and the rental market continues to show the green shoots of post-pandemic recovery. While month-on-month values are broadly stable, annual rental values are on course to match or even exceed those last seen early in 2020.

Rental Market State of Play: February 2022

Wooden block toy rental house on grass

City living is back on the radar, especially as many European countries are beginning to relax international travel, workplace and hospitality restrictions. It was inevitable that rental values would start to rise in line with a return to city activity, but in the cases of London, Paris and Amsterdam, the majority of monthly rental costs have started to rise very early in the year – albeit subtly.

Adleo Relocation rounds up February’s rental news from across London, Paris and Amsterdam, and combines it with the latest average rental price.

Rental Market State of Play: January 2022

Wooden block toy rental house on grass

The first month of a new year is always a good time to take stock of rental trends in Europe’s leading cities. As well as retrospective data from the previous 12 months, there is also a slew of forecasts and predictions for the year ahead. Adleo Relocation rounds up January’s rental market news from across London, Paris and Amsterdam and combines them with the latest average rental price.

Sustainable Ways to Invest in a Property

Apartment blocks with abundance of flora

Climate change has been in the spotlight recently following the COP26 summit. It’s clear that action needs to be taken, and quickly. When it comes to the impacts of property, the figures are startling: buildings are responsible for 40% of energy consumption and 36% of carbon dioxide emissions in the EU. In the UK, it is even higher at 59% and 23% respectively.

4 Forecasts for UK Lettings in 2022

As another year draws to a close, Adleo Relocation looks forward to 2022 and flags up the salient lettings changes that may lie ahead. Of course, ‘may’ is the operative word as many new rules and regulations that we expected to see in 2021 never materialised.

With the wider global outlook still at the mercy of Covid, we underline that our thoughts are merely educated predictions and relocators should always check in with our experts to get the latest on the private rental sector.

Relocating to Lisbon

Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology, Lisbon, Portugal

While working from home started out as a practical tool in the fight against the pandemic, it has provoked a wider conversation around hours, locations and staff wellbeing. It’s a well-covered topic but it has been taken to the next level by Portugal.

Relocating to Paris

Palace of Versailles, Paris, France

Endless romance, haute couture, café culture and exquisite patisseries are all synonymous with Paris but clichés aside, the capital of France remains a prestigious location in which to work and live.

Paris is a northern central city on the banks of the River Seine, with fantastic connections to the rest of Europe – and the world – by air, rail, road and sea. It is the most populated city in France, with over 2 million inhabitants in the centre alone and almost 11 million in the wider Région Parisienne. The city is divided into 20 districts, known as arrondissements, with the underground ‘Metro’ and RER express commuter trains serving the inner-city neighbourhoods and banlieus – the Parisian suburbs.

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