Rental Market State of Play: October 2023

Wooden block toy rental house on grass

Welcome to October’s rental market report, where we delve into the latest insights and trends across three major European cities – London, Amsterdam and Paris. This report provides key rental market data, showcasing the forces that shape the cost and supply of rental properties. From bustling London with its soaring borough-specific rent increases to the ‘bedbug plague’ impinging on Paris’ property market and the legal tensions stirring up Amsterdam’s rental scene, we keep you in sync with the pulse of these dynamic rental landscapes.

Understanding Overcrowding in UK Rental Properties

Sardines swimming

Overcrowding in UK rental properties is an issue that poses challenges to landlords, tenants, and the housing industry. The concern arises when there is an excessive number of occupants for a given space, resulting in complications like inadequate living space, challenges with living standards, various health risks, and potential fines for landlords under the UK property law.

Unlocking the Dutch Rental Market

Residential housing in the Netherlands. Parked cars and grass leading to the water's edge in the foreground.

The Netherlands continues to be a hotspot for expatriates due to the significant presence of global companies, especially in its flourishing tech, finance, and diplomatic sectors. Amsterdam, as the capital city, remains a top choice for these professionals, offering a vibrant lifestyle alongside noteworthy economic opportunities. The Dutch rental market reflects this demand, with rental costs in Amsterdam and other major cities continuing to rise given the influx of skilled foreign workers.

Rental Market State of Play: September 2023

Wooden block toy rental house on grass

To summarise the key points from our September 2023 Rental Market Overview, tenants in London are facing increasingly high rents, which have eaten up the largest percentage of their gross income in recent years. The demand for rental property in Paris has increased, while supply has decreased significantly, making it difficult for those looking to rent. Finally, renters in Amsterdam, particularly those in properties built after 2010, are experiencing increased noise and environmental pollution. Keep an eye on the Adleo Relocation Blog for helpful tips and insights into the ever-changing rental market landscape in various European cities.

Rental Market State of Play: August 2023

Wooden block toy rental house on grass

Here we present an in-depth rental market overview for London, Paris, and Amsterdam, examining recent developments and dynamics. The article focuses on London’s changing rental prospects, Amsterdam’s increasingly competitive market leading to rising rental prices, and Paris’ preparation for the Olympics and its impact on rental demand. We also provide a detailed look at average monthly rents for different property types in these cities, highlighting August’s most notable trends.

Choosing an Eco-Friendly Property in the UK

Engineer on roof installing solar panels

Relocating to a new country comes with many decisions. One decision that is becoming increasingly important to many of us is choosing an eco-friendly home. As the world’s collective environmental consciousness grows, more people are seeking out sustainable, energy-efficient properties. This heightened awareness has led to the adoption of various eco-friendly measures in residential properties, including the use of sustainable materials, energy-efficient appliances, and innovative design approaches that minimise waste and carbon footprint.

Tenant’s Guide to Security Deposit Deductions in the UK

500 Euro notes in somebody's hands

Renting a property often involves a security deposit – a sum meant to safeguard landlords against tenants not adhering to the tenancy terms and conditions. However, it’s essential to understand what kinds of deductions are permissible from these deposits and, more importantly, how you can protect this money and ensure its return when you move.

Rental Market State of Play: July 2023

Wooden block toy rental house on grass

In this article, we delve into the latest rental market trends in three key cities across Europe: London, Amsterdam, and Paris. We explore how changing regulations and market dynamics are shaping the landscape for both landlords and renters. The article also provides insight into the average monthly rental figures for these cities, which highlight interesting price trends for July 2023.

The Ultimate Flatshare Checklist for 2023: Top 10 Tips for Finding Your Perfect Home

Friends talking

The UK property market is constantly evolving, and the lettings sector is particularly susceptible to fluctuations. With rent prices continuing to rise, flatsharing has become an increasingly popular option for professionals seeking affordable accommodation.
To help clients navigate the world of flatsharing, we’ve updated and expanded our checklist for 2023 to ensure a successful experience.

Ecological Awareness in the Property Rental Market

Eco-friendly buildings with bushes and greenery on the exterior.

Amidst mounting environmental concerns, the property rental market is experiencing a remarkable surge in eco-conscious living among tenants. Sustainability has become a top priority for renters, prompting the industry to swiftly adapt to meet the growing demands. Embracing green practices is key for landlords and property managers to effectively respond to this trend and appeal to an environmentally conscious tenant community.

Analysing Rising Rents: Implications for Employee Relocations

Image of rising graph. Drawing of lady on steps looking at it.

According to the HomeLet Rental Index, rental prices in the UK have been steadily increasing, with the average rent in the UK being £1,229 per month as of June 2023. This represents a 10.4% increase from the previous year. The average monthly price in London has risen by 1.9% since last month to £2,077 PCM, which is 12.5% higher than in June 2022. Rising rents have become a significant concern, making it increasingly difficult for employees relocating to the country to find affordable housing. This article examines the main factors driving this trend, including housing supply and demand imbalances, inflation, and legislative changes, and discusses the implications for employee relocations.

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