Fake Letting Agents: The Red Flags to Look Out For

Hooded man pulling a white mask over his face.

Fake letting agents often exploit the convenience of online platforms to carry out their scams. Balancing work and personal commitments while searching for your ideal home can be challenging, and while digital rental marketplaces have made the process easier, they have also given rise to fraudulent activities aimed at unsuspecting renters. This guide provides the knowledge and tools you need to confidently navigate the UK rental market, helping you spot and avoid the deceptive tactics of fake letting agents. By staying vigilant and informed, you can protect your resources and secure a legitimate rental that meets your needs and expectations.

UK Letting Agents: Advice for Expats

Couple holding a set of keys, arms oustretched towards the viewer. The keys are in the foreground. The background is blurred.

Moving to the UK as a working expat comes with its fair share of challenges, one of them being securing suitable housing. When navigating UK rental markets, many expats will have to engage with a letting agent. This comprehensive guide will explain how to deal with letting agents while addressing tenant requirements like credit checks and tenant profiles.

4 Forecasts for UK Lettings in 2022

As another year draws to a close, Adleo Relocation looks forward to 2022 and flags up the salient lettings changes that may lie ahead. Of course, ‘may’ is the operative word as many new rules and regulations that we expected to see in 2021 never materialised.

With the wider global outlook still at the mercy of Covid, we underline that our thoughts are merely educated predictions and relocators should always check in with our experts to get the latest on the private rental sector.

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