As businesses face the dual challenge of filling skill gaps while also maintaining cost efficiency, they may opt for a practice known as quiet hiring. Quiet hiring is centred within the organisation, focusing on leveraging internal talent and opportunities to fill functional gaps without increasing the headcount. Rather than looking outside, it seeks to repurpose existing talent, fostering opportunities for organic growth within its existing workforce. It is an approach that builds on employee retention, development, engagement, and knowledge continuity. One way to facilitate quiet hiring is through employee relocation, a tactic that has the potential to increase both productivity and employee satisfaction.

Understanding Quiet Hiring and Employee Relocation

Quiet hiring doesn’t mean that an organisation stops acknowledging the value of external talent or new perspectives. It merely recognises the inherent power of cultivating existing potential. By focusing on internal mobility, it allows organisations to capitalise on existing talent resources, thereby bypassing the costs, time, and uncertainties associated with external hiring.

Employee relocation is a form of internal mobility. It involves moving an employee from one department, position, or geographical location to another to meet organisational needs. When used strategically, employee relocation can provide the needed skills and talent where they are most needed, often at a lower cost and shorter timeline than external hiring.

Aligning Employee Relocation with Quiet Hiring

The first step towards aligning employee relocation with quiet hiring is identification. Managers must identify high-performing employees with the potential to be developed for new roles or responsibilities. This requires comprehensive performance reviews, teamwork evaluations, and talent management strategies.

Moving employees from one role to another or from one location to another requires careful communication and planning. Organisations should consider the employee’s career aspirations, personal circumstances, and willingness to accept new challenges. Relocating an employee without these considerations may lead to dissatisfaction, disengagement, or even turnover.

The Benefits of Relocation in Quiet Hiring

Cost Effectiveness

By relocating high-performing employees from within, organisations save on costs associated with traditional hiring processes. This includes advertising roles, conducting interviews, training, and onboarding. Also, the relocated employee is already well-acquainted with the organisation’s culture and processes, thereby reducing the time required for acclimatisation.

Retention and Development

Employee relocation can retain top-performing employees by offering potential advancement. Promoting internal talent can fuel their motivation to perform while also proving that the company values their contributions. This strategy can also help uncover hidden talents in the workforce.

Employee Engagement and Satisfaction

Recognising an employee’s skills and contributions and rewarding them with new roles can significantly enhance their job satisfaction. By relocating employees to roles where their skills are needed most, organisations can boost their engagement and productivity.

Knowledge Preservation

Transferring employees within the organisation helps preserve institutional knowledge, avoiding voids that might be created when an employee leaves the company. Existing employees understand the company’s culture, workflow policies, and strategies, offering a seamless transition.

Evolving Quiet Hiring

While quiet hiring and employee relocation offer many benefits, it’s essential to ensure it doesn’t become an excuse to overload employees with additional work without adequate compensation or support. Open communication about the organisation’s priorities, reasons for the relocation, and changes in roles or departments is essential.

Successful employee relocation calls for proactive project management, transparency and open lines of communication, support during transitions, and fair compensation. It is just as important that the employee sees the new role or location as an opportunity rather than a burden.


Employee relocation can facilitate quiet hiring, offering a talent management strategy that aligns business objectives with employee growth and satisfaction. The ability to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the business and its talent pool gives the organisation a competitive advantage in the ever-changing business landscape. This approach may not be the solution for every talent gap or hiring challenge, but when used thoughtfully, it can be an effective tool in the human resources toolbox.

Speak to one of our experts or send a message today and find out how we can add value to your relocation programme.

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