In the context of global mobility (employee relocation), prioritising the employee experience is not merely altruistic; it is a strategic imperative. An engaged employee produces higher-quality work, stays with the company longer, and amplifies the organisation’s brand. In order to enhance employee experience in global mobility, companies need to implement effective strategies, leverage technology to streamline processes, and provide support to their employees throughout their international assignments. By doing so, companies can ensure their employees not only have a positive experience but also can adapt and thrive in their new environment.

The Importance of Employee Experience in Global Mobility

Higher Satisfaction and Retention Rates

When companies make an effort to enhance the employee experience during relocation, satisfaction and retention rates improve dramatically. Instilling a sense of support and belonging increases loyalty and reduces turnover.

Attracting Top Talent and Creating Competitive Advantage

Today’s professionals seek employers who value their well-being. When managed effectively, the global mobility experience can attract top talent and give companies a unique competitive advantage.

Increased Productivity and Business Success

An employee’s experience doesn’t just affect their happiness; it affects their productivity too. Seamless mobility experiences free up employees’ energy spent on troubleshooting relocation problems, allowing them to focus on their work.

Strategies to Enhance Employee Experience in Global Mobility

Comprehensive Pre-Departure Support

Successful global mobility is not merely about changing locations; it’s also about adapting to new cultures, navigating foreign infrastructures, and dealing with bureaucratic procedures in an entirely new environment. Providing comprehensive pre-departure support can tremendously ease this transition, helping employees adjust faster and more efficiently.

For example, some organisations have implemented training programmes for their employees bound for assignments abroad. These training modules cover aspects such as cultural orientations, tax implications, language basics, and security measures. At the same time, the companies offer resources like location-specific guides and access to expat communities to help employees familiarise themselves with their new surroundings before their departure.

Personalised Relocation Packages

In a global business environment, a one-size-fits-all approach to relocation packages is becoming less effective. Customising relocation packages to cater to the unique needs of employees and their families reassures employees of their value to the company, thereby improving commitment and engagement.

For instance, one method is the ‘menu approach’ for relocation packages, which allows employees to choose services that best suit their needs. This approach might include a wide range of options, from house hunting assistance, spousal support, childcare solutions, pet relocations, to even elder care support. Such a personalised approach shows understanding and respect for the employee’s personal responsibilities and requirements, enhancing their overall experience.

Ongoing Support Systems

The phase after relocation can often be the most challenging for globally mobile employees. An ongoing support system, including mentorship programmes and regular check-ins, can help combat feelings of isolation, resolve emerging issues, and provide necessary emotional and tactical support.

A case in point is Google’s relocation support programme. This tech giant has a comprehensive system where newly relocated employees receive mentorship from seasoned international employees who provide advice, share their experiences, and ease their integration into the new environment. Google also conducts regular check-ins with relocated staff, ensuring that their transition is going smoothly and addressing any potential issues promptly.

The Role of Technology in Enhancing Employee Experience

Streamlining Processes and Boosting Communication

The integration of technology can simplify the administrative processes associated with global mobility and improve the lines of communication between the relocating employee, HR, and the global mobility team.

For instance, SAP SuccessFactors is a comprehensive cloud-based human capital management (HCM) software suite. Key features include core HR and payroll management, talent management, learning activities, HR analytics and workforce planning, and employee experience management. By streamlining HR processes, optimising individualised experiences, and driving business execution, SAP SuccessFactors assists organisations in improving not only employee experiences but also overall productivity and efficiency. 

Digital Platforms for Onboarding, Tracking, and Support

Technology can significantly improve the onboarding process in the digital age by providing timely information, tracking compliance, and providing quick access to support.

Companies like BambooHR provide a digital onboarding platform that streamlines the orientation process. Before relocation, the employee can be onboarded remotely and be introduced to the company’s culture, people, and role-specific training. Post-relocation, the platform can be used for ongoing training, compliance tracking, and even quick resolution of issues through its built-in ticketing system.

Facilitating Cultural Integration and Community Building

Interactive technology, such as online training platforms and social networking tools, can significantly aid cultural integration and community building, particularly during the onboarding phase.

For example, companies can use platforms like Yammer or Workplace from Meta to foster a sense of community. These platforms can be used to create location-specific groups or forums where employees can connect, share their experiences, seek advice, and learn from each other. Additionally, Rosetta Stone provides language learning software that helps employees become proficient in the local language of their new location.

Overcoming Challenges and Best Practices

With every strategic implementation come obstacles. We will highlight some common challenges in enhancing the employee global mobility experience and suggest best practices to overcome these challenges.

Challenge 1: Streamlining Administrative and Compliance Aspects

Ensuring compliance with immigration, tax, and employee rights laws across different countries can be a complex process. Streamlining these administrative aspects while ensuring zero errors is one of the significant challenges companies face.

Solution: To mitigate this, employers could invest in digital tools and platforms that manage compliance and automate standard procedures, reducing the potential for administrative errors and ensuring adherence to local regulations. RelocationOnline and ARK ONE are established providers in the mobility field, and both platforms present options to automate standard procedures, minimise compliance risk, and enhance the efficiency of global mobility programmes.

Challenge 2: Balancing Cost and Employee Satisfaction

Establishing a balance between the cost of global mobility programmes and the need to provide compelling benefits that ensure employee satisfaction is challenging.

Solution: A ‘menu approach’ to relocation packages, where employees can choose services tailored to their needs within a defined budget, can balance cost-saving requirements with individual customisation.

Challenge 3: Communication Barriers

Different time zones and language barriers can make timely, transparent, and effective communication challenging. 

Solution: Implementing strong communication channels, such as cloud-based platforms or local liaisons, can ensure open dialogue and clear messaging throughout the relocation process. For example, a dedicated relocation consultant can be assigned to each employee, ensuring personalised assistance throughout the move. They can update employees on the relocation status, answer questions, and provide support. Also, pairing relocating employees with a local colleague can facilitate an understanding of the new location’s culture and work-life. The local buddy can help navigate the new environment, reducing the employee’s feeling of unfamiliarity.

Challenge 4: Attracting and Retaining Talents in the Global Mobility Programme

Attracting the right talent to accept international assignments and retaining them post-assignment is another significant challenge.

Solution: Creating attractive assignment packages tailored to individual needs can significantly influence an employee’s decision to accept a relocation offer. Such packages might encompass competitive salaries, cost-of-living adjustments, allowances for housing and transportation, as well as additional benefits like home leave travel expenses or dependent education grants. Additionally, providing cultural and language training pre-departure can considerably ease the transition to the new country, enhancing the employee’s comfort and productivity. Lastly, clear post-assignment career progression planning, through performance reviews and future planning discussions, can assure employees that a relocation assignment aligns with their career growth, overcoming any possible reluctance.

Challenge 5: Assessing and Evaluating Impact

Measuring the impact of global mobility programmes on employee satisfaction, retention, and engagement can be tricky due to diverse variables.

Solution: Regular feedback sessions and timely surveys during different stages of the relocation process enable employers to gather firsthand knowledge about employee experiences. Such communication provides invaluable data for improving support, identifying challenges, and suggesting enhancements. Additionally, conducting periodic programme reviews allows for a comprehensive assessment of the relocation programme’s performance, trends, and costs. By utilising these insights, companies can refine their strategies to further optimise the efficiency and effectiveness of their relocation programmes, resulting in higher employee satisfaction and a better return on investment.


The employee experience in global mobility is rapidly emerging as a critical business consideration. Companies that take proactive steps towards prioritising employee experience in their global mobility strategies stand to gain significantly. Whether it is making the relocation process smoother or leveraging technology for seamless integration, businesses would do well to place their employees’ experience at the heart of their global mobility efforts. By doing so, they can drive productivity, attract top talent, and create a distinct competitive advantage.

Speak to one of our experts or send a message today and find out how we can add value to your relocation programme.

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